John Robins


John is a registered Professional Geologist, prospector and entrepreneur with over 35 years of experience in the mining industry.

John has been involved in several notable discoveries, including the 5M oz Coffee Gold deposit in Yukon, the Three Bluffs gold deposit in the Committee Bay greenstone belt, the Aviat / Churchill diamond districts of Nunavut, and the Great Bear Project in north-western Ontario. Through his entrepreneurship, John has been instrumental in over $3B in mergers and acquisitions activity and has generated over $1B in direct and indirect mineral expenditures throughout Canada, Latin America, and Australia. Notable recent successes include the sales of Great Bear Resources Ltd. to Kinross Gold Corp. for $1.8B, Great Bear Royalties Corp. to Royal Gold Inc. for $200M, and Kaminak Gold Corp. to Goldcorp for $510M.

John’s outstanding strategic guidance, technical expertise, strong industry relationships, and steadfast adherence to ethical practices, underpin his status as a leading steward of the junior mining industry. He currently acts as Chairman of Fireweed Metals Corp. and K2 Gold Corp.  Mr. Robins is also a Director of Elemental Altus Royalties, and a Strategic Advisor to Kodiak Copper Corp., ValOre Metals Corp., and Prospector Metals Corp.

In 2022 he was the recipient of the AME’s Murray Pezim Award for his significant contribution to the financing of exploration and development projects over the last 20 years. He was also awarded the Spud Huestis Award in 2008 for having made significant contributions to mineral exploration in British Columbia and Yukon.