Macpass Project

Yukon, Canada

Macpass is one of the world’s largest undeveloped high-grade zinc projects*


The Macpass Project is located in eastern Yukon approximately 200 km from Ross River, near the Northwest Territories border and within the traditional territories of the Kaska Dena Nation and the First Nation of Na-cho Nyäk Dun. The Project is host to several large zinc-lead-silver deposits within the 940 km2property, and is accessible via the North Canol Road and by air via the Macmillan Pass aerodrome. 

With the new addition of Boundary Zone to the Tom and Jason deposits in the 2024 Mineral Resource Estimate, Macpass is positioned as one of the world’s largest undeveloped primary zinc districts*. Combined with additional upside potential from by-product strategic elements gallium and germanium, Macpass has the potential to provide an important source of critical minerals.  

Through ongoing regional exploration, Fireweed has identified other high-potential targets along a highly prospective northwest-trending corridor. Fireweed continues to advance the project through systematic exploration and drilling, technical and environmental studies, and social engagement. 

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2024 Mineral Resource Estimate (includes Tom, Jason, End Zone and Boundary Zone deposits) 

Million Tonnes ZnEq% Zn% Pb% Ag g/t B lbs Zn B lbs Pb Moz Ag
Indicated 55.98 7.27 5.50 1.58 24.2 6,784 1,952 43.54
Inferred 48.46 7.48 5.15 2.08 25.3 5,500 2,226 39.42
Indicated Inferred
Million Tonnes 56.00 48.49
ZnEq% 7.27 7.48
Zn% 5.49 5.15
Pb% 1.58 2.08
Ag g/t 24.2 25.3
B lbs Zn 6,784 5,500
B lbs Pb 1,952 2,227
Moz Ag 43.54 39.42


2024 Highlights So Far 

  • Updated Mineral Resource Estimate doubled the tonnage from previous resource and increased contained zinc metal by 83%
  • Completed >16,000 m of diamond drilling, all post data cutoff for 2024 Resource to inform future mineral resource updates 
  • Building and prioritizing a portfolio of targets through the largest regional exploration campaign across the Property so far, including gravity surveying, soil sampling, prospecting and areal LiDAR and VTEM surveys

  • Fireweed will receive up to C$12.9 M, pending final due diligence, from the Government of Canada through the Critical Minerals Infrastructure Fund (“CMIF”)
    • CMIF funding will support Phase I of the “North Canol Infrastructure Improvement Project” (“NCIIP”), which includes developing preliminary designs for approximately 250 kilometers of road improvements, as well as upgrades to an existing transmission line between Faro and Ross River, and the construction of a new transmission line from Ross River to Macmillan Pass

2023 Highlights 

  • Completed >22,000 m diamond drilling across all zones to support latest mineral resource estimation 
  • Constructed new camp and core processing facilities, including solar and battery power system 
  • Advanced environmental studies with 24 qualified professionals, 16 ongoing wildlife and aquatic studies, and nearly 4,000 in-field study hours 
  • Employed over 300 people including nearly 50 local Indigenous community members; ~50% of field expenditures with Indigenous-affiliated businesses 
  • Zero lost-time injuries, 127,000 person-hours 
  • Offset GHG emissions for 2021 and 2022



Tom is a high-grade sediment-hosted zinc-lead-silver deposit with an updated 2024 Mineral Resource Estimate. Mineralization is stratabound and comprises finely laminated stratiform pyrite, sphalerite, and galena associated with barite-rich layers, grading to semi-massive and massive sulphides.  

Camp facilities at Tom form the logistical hub of the property, with road access and a government airstrip already in place. 

17.52 Mt Indicated at 9.90% ZnEq
18.94 Mt Inferred at 9.10% ZnEq

Boundary Zone is another high-grade sediment-hosted zinc-lead-silver deposit, with an inaugural 2024 Mineral Resource Estimate. Stratiform, stratabound mineralization similar to Tom and Jason is present, cross-cut by later replacement- and vein-style pyrite, sphalerite, and galena mineralization. 

34.34 Mt Indicated at 5.63% ZnEq
17.46 Mt Inferred at 3.75% ZnEq

Jason is a high-grade sediment-hosted zinc-lead-silver deposit with an updated 2024 Mineral Resource Estimate. Mineralization is the same style as at Tom – stratabound, laminated stratiform pyrite, sphalerite, and galena, grading to semi-massive and massive sulphides.  

3.80 Mt Indicated at 9.09% ZnEq
11.65 Mt Inferred at 10.40% ZnEq

End Zone is 3.5 km northwest of Jason and hosts similar high-grade zinc-lead-silver mineralization. The inaugural 2024 Mineral Resource Estimate includes 

0.34 Mt Indicated at 16.15% ZnEq
0.44 Mt Inferred at 8.76% ZnEq

* References to relative size, grade, and metal content of the Mactung resources and Macpass resources in comparison to other tungsten and zinc deposits elsewhere in the world, respectively, are based on review of the Standard & Poor’s Global Market Intelligence Capital IQ database. 

For details, see Fireweed News Release dated September 4, 2024. A Technical Report disclosing the mineral resources will be available within 45 days of the News Release. The resource estimate is preliminary in nature and does not include any mineral reserves. It is equally emphasized that the mineral resources disclosed are not mineral reserves and do not have demonstrated economic viability. 


Fireweed Increases Mineral Resources at the Macpass Project Including an Inaugural Resource for Boundary Zone

Fireweed Launches Largest Regional Exploration Campaign at Macpass

Fireweed Makes Complete Drill Database Available and Launches New Website

Fireweed Intersects 14 m True Width of 11.45% Zinc, 5.86% Lead, and 126.3 g/t Silver at the New Tom South Zone

Technical information on this page has been approved by Fireweed’s VP Geology, Dr. Jack Milton, P.Geo. (BC), a ‘Qualified Person’ as defined under Canadian National Instrument 43-101. For full disclosure please visit our cautionary statements page